Her command,
your pleasure

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Take a walk on the wild side and join our kink community for FREE! Our alternative bondage community enjoys online sex and BDSM chats. Find a BDSM partner, a partner for bondage and sadomasochism games. Our users share videos of bondage, kinky fetishes, sadomasochistic fantasies, and BDSM porn through their profiles every day.

Bend, kneel, obey


Her will, your desire

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Where submission meets domination

Whether you are curious or a life-long fetishist, you are in the right place. In MistressKinky you will find multiple like-minded people who share your perversions. Whether you're new to the BDSM lifestyle, or an experienced player looking to develop your BDSM knowledge, MistressKinky is a safe place to learn and explore.
If you are a submissive looking for a powerful woman to dominate you, you are in the right place!
Do you love being tied up or spanked?
Get ready to serve your master on MistressKinky
Some of our users are already waiting for you:

Emma, 40

"I'm a woman of power and authority, and I'm looking for someone to submit to me. I love being the one in charge, making decisions, and taking control. If you're a slave who wants to be punished, I'm here for you ⛓️"

Johanna, 35

"I'm a woman who loves to be in control, a Dominatrix with a passion for BDSM, and I'm looking for someone to submit to me, Your body will be my plaything 🔥 Will you let me take control and obey all my orders?"

Helen, 31

"I look for a slave to my desires, someone I can command, ready for pain, pleasure, and submission. I need a loyal servant and it could be you 😉 The power dynamic is clear: I'm in control, you're in submission, and your pain is my pleasure"

Submit to your deepest desires


MistressKinky is a chat service, aimed at exchanging chat messages. MistressKinky does NOT use AI bots or robots. MistressKinky contains fictional member profiles. No physical agreements can be made with fictitious member profiles. Our guarantees no obligations, no subscription and no spam! Pay only when you use our services: starting at $1.50 per message. Our terms of us and privacy policy apply to this website and the services provided by MistressKinky.